Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Developing Theory on #2's in Schools

        I am committed to honoring an Assistant Principal's MANAGEMENT. 

        Not often as celebrated as Leadership, can management reclaim the positive definition embraced in other professions? Management in education is critical, yet misunderstood. 

        To focus more on Assistant Principals' becoming instructional leaders is well-established, well-intentioned, seemingly preferable in parlance, yet incomplete. 

        Gallup researchers have noted, “Managers Are Not Just Leaders-in Waiting” . . . “The most important difference between a great manager and a great leader is one of focus. Great managers look inward . . . Great leaders, by contrast, look outward” (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999, p. 63; Gallup, 2016, p. 62). 

        Reframed, these definitions have inspired me to conceive of school administration differently. Principals look outward; they establish vision collaboratively and invite others to join. Assistant Principals look inward; they tend to the needs of the people, so that all can move mission toward vision. 

        Principals and Assistant Principals have a symbiotic thing. And on Instructional Leadership; well, that’s what our best teachers live

        Distinctions between leaders and managers elevate the importance of “#2’s” in schools and all sectors. The notion of a “#2” reminds me of the television series, Star Trek, when U.S.S. Enterprise Captain James T. Kirk would say to Mr. Spock, “Number 2, take the bridge”; or something similar. 

        Seems having a #2 around is a good idea—to step-up when needed, and step-in when appropriate. This works too, outside of intergalactic travel and expedition. 

        In such, I’m developing a theory. 

        My initial thoughts are sketched below—conceived initially while writing All Other Duties As Assigned: The Assistant Principal’s Critical Role in Supporting Schools Inside and Out.

        Here is my first depiction, on a piece of paper while sitting with Dr. Yong Joon Park, Professor of Teaching and Learning at Indiana State University. We were chatting about educational management abroad, and what parallels and implications we might enjoy sharing. 


         My working diagram depicts the Assistant Principal (or any organization’s #2) in the middle. Note I use “C.O.O.” in that space; whereas “C.E.O” where the Principal is depicted. Those are my corporate parallels; rough ones, I admit. My First Break All the Rules connection includes the Assistant Principal’s  Inward Focus (Management), and the Principal’s Outward Focus (Leadership). Arrows move up, down, and around the Assistant Principal, as that is where their TEACHING influence is directed. An Inward Focus includes teaching up, down, and around. 

        Assistant Principals “teach up,” by serving as a sounding board, shield, and superpower for their Principals. In such, they help vet ideas through a whisper in a Principal’s ear; deflect impending heat, and enhance administrative effectiveness by complementing (e.g. super-charging) a Principal’s own wheelhouse. An overarching role while teaching-up is that of Confidant. 

        Assistant Principals “teach down” by focusing on people, establishing priorities, and solving problems. They do so—each minute of each hour, all day long. In such, they empower others while serving as Caretaker. They tend to the folks. This is particularly true for their relationship with students and families . . . some might say teachers and staff as well, every so often. 

        Assistant Principals “teach around” by working collaboratively with other school interventionists, such as Deans, Counselors, Instructional Coaches, and of course, with Teachers and Staff—all who work to build individual and collective capacities that support student and school success. 

        I’m interested in your input as I apply theory, research, practice, and conversations to what is currently in my head, and on this page. Thanks for allowing me to think out loud.  I hope to share more with you, so please reach-out via Zoom, or with a good-ole’-fashioned phone call. 


Buckingham, M., & Coffman, C. (1999). First, break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently. Simon & Schuster. 

Gallup (2016). First, break all the rules: What the world’s greatest managers do differently. Gallup Press. 

Roddenberry, G. (1966–1969). Star Trek. United States: As televised on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Inc.